Returns & Exchange
If you received the wrong item, your order was damaged, or there are other issues you're unhappy about, please contact our award-winning Customer Service team at (02) 9568 1801. They will assist you as quickly as possible. Prefer to email? Reach out to us using the contact form below.
To request a return, please contact our Customer Service team at (02) 9568 1801. They will guide you through the process.
To be eligible for a return, the following conditions must be met:
- The item must be unopened and in its original packaging.
- The item must be in new condition.
- You must provide a Tax Invoice or Proof of Purchase.
- The item must be returned at your own expense.
We do not accept returns for opened or used products if:
- You received the correct item but simply changed your mind.
- The product was misused in a way that caused the issue.
- The product did not meet your expectations.
Damaged or Faulty Goods:
If you receive a damaged or faulty product from Supplement Mania, please contact us with your original Order Number. Once approved, we will provide a prepaid return slip to send the item back within 30 days of purchase, and we will either resend the order or issue a refund.
Additonal Qustions?
For any other questions regarding delivery or shipping, please use this form to reach us.